Key science findings
- A scenario building workshop develops explorative scenarios for drought management and offers the opportunity for unconstrained blue sky thinking about drought management options based on the question, What can happen?

One element of the MaRIUS project is to explore and review options for drought management practice in England & Wales beyond the existing regulatory framework and to discuss qualitatively the potential effectiveness of and constraints upon these options with stakeholders. Therefore, a scenario building workshop is organised and offers:
- the possibility to develop explorative scenarios for drought management
- the opportunity for unconstrained blue sky thinking about drought management options based on the question What can happen? to be useful in cases where there is fairly good knowledge regarding how the system works at present, but one is interested in exploring the consequences of alternative developments in drought management
- The scenario building workshop is an interactive workshop bringing together different stakeholders’ and researchers’ perspectives on drought management.
Research methods
Explorative Scenario Building Workshop

The workshop has an interactive format and requires active participation from every participant and involves small group discussions as well as plenary discussions. Methodologically the workshop follows the following outline:
- introduction and definition of problem frame, e.g.: resilient drought management in England & Wales
- identification and grouping of “drivers” for future management of drought (e.g.: population growth)
- selection of relevant drivers for scenario development
- scenario description based on critical drivers
- scenario story lines (first ideas)