The MaRIUS researchers have recorded a number of podcasts to help explain the work they are doing, and the aims of the MaRIUS project. The podcasts take the form of voice narrated slides.
In addition to the MaRIUS research project podcasts, there are podcasts below from other sources, on the subject of drought and water scarcity.
We hope you enjoy watching them. Further podcasts are being planned so please come back for more!

Professor Jim Hall gives an introduction to the MaRIUS project and its research focus of drought and its impacts in the UK

Dr Gianbattista Bussi talks about some of the water quality research being undertaken in the MaRIUS project, focusing on algal modelling.

Dr Christina Cook talks about the governance research taking place in the MaRIUS project.

Dr Benoit Guillod explains the creation of the Drought Event sets in the MaRIUS project, which will assist the exploration of a wider range of droughts than have been experienced in the past; their impact and the risk of their occurrence.

Dr Guillod talks about the climatic factors influencing drought, the Weather @ Home citizen science approach devised to examine climatic impacts, with a focus on the Western US drought and the research being undertaken in the MaRIUS project.

Dr Catharina Landström provides an overview of mapping drought knowledges in the UK.

Dr Rey talks about the impact of drought on agriculture. Recorded at the Drought Symposium 'Drought Risk and Decision Making', on 08/09/15, Exeter College, UK.

Dr Eric Sarmiento talks about the human geography research taking place in the MaRIUS project.

Dr Pam Berry talks about the research being undertaken in the MaRIUS project, and her work on the effect of drought on ecosystems and their ecology.

Prof Paul Whitehead talks about the water quality research taking place in the MaRIUS project.

Dr Len Shaffrey talks about the research taking place in the IMPETUS project to improve our capability of predicting droughts.

Dr Kevin Collins talks about the research taking place in the DRIVER project.

Henry Leveson-Gower (Head of Abstraction Reform and Upstream, Defra) talks on the subject of abstraction reform. This talk was given at the Evening Seminar hosted by Dr Helen Gavin on behalf of the Oxford Water Network and the CIWEM Central Southern branch, on 16 March 2016.